Club Update
We had 34 Personal Records that were broken this year in our club. What a fantastic year for the No Limit Sports crew! We can’t wait for this upcoming year and see even more! Congratulations to those who are graduating and those who will be vaulting in college! We will miss you.
Don’t forget there are 4 more Summer meets coming up every Wednesday at El Camino CC. We look forward to seeing you and let’s get after it and jump high! There is no Limit to how high you can jump! #NoLimit
Boys Club Bests
1. Cade Sommers JR 15’ 3” PR
2. Spencer Ciccarelli SR 15’ PR
3. Zuri Sherry JR 13’
4. Artin Fazeli JR 13’4” PR
5. Tomek Gorzkowski FR 13’3” PR
6. Cody Bain SR 12’8” PR
7. Griffin Esperon SR 11’ PR
8. Sanket Selokar 32 YR 10’ PR
9. Nathan Herbert FR 9’8” pr
10. Ailbe Gorzkowski 7th 9’ PR
11. Cameron Chen 10 6’6”PR
12. Lincoln Bernard 24 Yr 15’ PR
13. Gabriel 28 yr 15’2 1/2” PR
Girls Club Bests
1. Isabella Abrahams JR 12’ PR
2. Sophia Rakfeldt SO 11’9”PR
3. Olivia Bettinger SO 11’9” PR
4. Maddie Elhaik. JR 11’6”PR
4. Tilliana Wakefield JR 11’6” PR
6. Valentina Amescua SR 11’3”
7. Mia Diconte JR 10’4”PR
8. Skyla Burmeister 8th 9’10”PR
9. Callie Boren JR 9’9”PR
10. Natalia Torres SR 9’8” PR
11. Teia Lemmon FR 9’9”PR
12. Ariella SR 9’6”PR
13. Taylor Chan FR 9’PR
13. Mattea Eleshio SO 9’PR
13. Cassidy Seitz SR 9’PR
16. Maddie Amen SR 8’9”
17. Samiya Portugal 8th 8’6” PR
18. Kaitlyn Hanlon SO 8’6 PR
19. Mia Langstein 8’
19. Kelly Jernigan SO 8’PR
21. Piper Davis FR 7’9”PR
22. Casey Chen 8th 6’6” PR
22. Ava Poznick JR 6’6” PR
24. Sanoe Salas FR 6’PR
24. Alina McGregor 10yr 6’
1. Emily FR UCLA 11’6”